When you have a gingivoplasty, a periodontist will take healthy gum tissue, and reshape it around your teeth. This can be done in order to correct malformed gum tissue that results from disease, genetic predispositions, as well as trauma. In some cases, a gingivoplasty may also be combined with a gum graft. On the other hand, a gingivectomy is used to remove excess gum tissue. This procedure is also performed by a periodontist.

Why Procedure is Used

Even though the gingivectomy was originally used to treat periodontal disease, it is now used mainly for cosmetic purposes. Among other things, this procedure can remove gum tissue that causes gaps between teeth. Aside from improving your smile, this can also eliminate pockets where food and bacteria can get trapped. In the long run, this will improve oral health.

Chances are, if you have ever seen a “gummy smile” you may not like the way it looks. Unfortunately, if there is a severe overgrowth of gum tissue, it may cause chewing and speaking difficulties. While this condition can be caused by some medications, many cases are unexplainable.

Patient Concerns to be Addressed

Prior to having gum reshaping procedures, it is vital to to have a full cleaning. Typically, this will get rid of all plaque and tartar that may have built up on your teeth. After the surgery is performed, you will also need to know how to take care of your teeth and gums properly.

How Is Procedure Performed?

Prior to these procedures, your periodontist will use a local anaesthesia to numb the gum tissue. While your periodontist may use a laser or electrosurgical unit, it is also possible to use scalpels. There are also specially angled tools that will make it easier to get around each tooth. If you are having a gingivectomy, it may only take a few minutes. If you need more extensive gum removal, ti can take over an hour. In most places, a gingivoplasty can be done in a few minutes.

Post-Operative Concerns

If you have a gingivectomy or gingivoplasty, your periodontist will use a special dressing to cover the surgical site. A periodontal pack is made of soft, moldable material. It will stay in place for 7 – 10 days. Fro the most part, you will need to eat a soft, bland, non-crunchy diet during this time period. Your dentist may also recommend using an antiseptic mouthwash, as well as painkillers.

Without a question, you will need to make sure that you follow proper oral hygiene so that your gums heal properly. After the periodontal pack is removed, you can resume gentle brushing and flossing. Even though your gums may bleed slightly in the surgical area during cleaning, it should subside shortly. Within one month, your gums should start looking like normal. They will heal fully in 2 – 3 months. It is often best to have any treatment before looking for a london orthodontist for braces treatments.

Perils of Disease

Even though infection may develop, there are no major risks associated with gingivoplasties and gingivectomies. While the surgical sight may bleed a bit for the first two days, it should stop soon after. If you notice continual bleeding, excessive pain, swelling, or the periodontal dressing becomes loose, you should let your dentist know immediately. It is also important to alert him/her if you notice swollen glands beneath your neck and jaw, or if you think the surgical site may be infected.